Secret Admirer – A Daily Post Sonnet

Flower (c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

Secret Admirer

She fingered the course cloth of his green cloak.
Her savior–a man with green eyes that burned
with magical fire. Course fabric she strokes,
feeling arms carrying her, unconcerned
by the enemies still fighting. Three shafts bloomed
in her attacker’s neck, her savior’s work,
before he’d rescued her. Danger still loomed
as he ran through forest where shadows lurk.
Sudden impact–she’s falling; one raider’s
accosted them. She’d hit her head, missed
the fight; vile unconsciousness betrayed her.
She has his cloak, his presence it insists.
Her savoir’s face in good lighting she yearns
to see, to give her thanks and his name learn.

~ ~ ~

Scene from what I’ve tentatively titled “Ranger” which will probably be book 3 or 4 of the Curse Breaker Saga. I think. When you write a series completely out of order it gets tough referring to the parts you’ve already written especially when they fall after parts you haven’t written yet.

She is Keysta. Her ‘savior’ is Sarn. He’d be amused if he knew she thought of him in such terms.

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Secret Admirers.”

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