What Do You Want to Be?

What Do You Want to Be?

“When you grow up, what do you want to be?”
Sarn listened to the boys talking, his own
answer clear; if given a choice, he’d be
a Guardian of Shayari, his own
master too, not subject to others’ whims.
He’d right wrongs, defend the weak, save the meek.
In short, he’d not be intendured, nor grim.
Below, knights sparred in bright armor that creaks.

Then his son’s voice captured his attention.
“I’ll be like my Papa, when I grow up.”
After that stunner, Ran smiled and motioned
Sarn to join them, though he was all grown up.

As for me, the author of these stories,
I always wanted to write these stories.

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Read more about Sarn in the Curse Breaker Saga. Like vignette-style poems? I’ve got lots on my Tales of Shayari page or my Holiday page.

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Inspired by the Daily Post’s prompt for today: Ballerina, Fireman, Astronaut, Movie Star

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