
cave (c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera


A woman passed, caught Ran’s glance, made him start–
for there walked his missing mama. Holding
tight to his stuffed bear’s arm, he hurried, heart
yearning for her touch. His small form’s threading
through the market; the crowd’s blocking his sight.
The market sprawls in a mile wide cavern.
His mama could be anywhere. Dim light
cheats his sight making it hard to discern.
Down one aisle, then another, he’s lost now.
He’s hugging his bear, looking everywhere.
Mama’s gone; he’s abandoned, so he slows.
Then he’s lifted up, held tight; Papa’s there.
Ran was never lost at all just misplaced
and he’s sorry he e’er came to this place.

~ ~ ~

“Why’d you walk off without me?” Papa asked.
“I saw mama, but…” Ran blinked, a tear squeezed
out to trace his cold cheek; Papa didn’t ask
anything else; he carried Ran, his sleeve
absorbing his son’s tears, anger boiled
in his breast for the woman who left so
sweet a child. As he walked, his own thoughts roiled.
“I know what’ll cheer you up.” Down below
marvels waited and he knew just the one,
a special deep place of falling water,
to put a smile on the face of his son.
He cut through the crowd passing a daughter
of his son’s missing mum, whose mistaken
identity had, his son’s smile, shaken.

~ ~ ~

Water poured over shining rock, sculpting
as it flowed, making light liquid. It wept
off stalactites, kissed stalagmites. Sheeting
over falls that gleamed, it intercepted
the darkness churning below. Though broken,
the shadows remained, veiling white water
that foamed. Above, crystals’ glowed unbroken,
reflected rainbow color on water.
No drab stone here, e’en granite was decked
with pastel inclusions. Ran turned, taking
it in; his eyes wide open in respect
for nature’s handiwork, that’s distracting
him. His missing mother’s not forgotten,
but the situation feels less rotten.

~ ~ ~

Read more about Sarn and his son in the Curse Breaker Saga. Like vignette-style poems? I’ve got lots more on my Tales of Shayari page.

~ ~ ~


Inspired by Tale Weaver 42: The mis[…]s

17 thoughts on “Mistaken

  1. Thanks so much for writing another of your saga stories for the tale weaver prompt!
    Wonderfully written in your interesting “style.” I know it’s written with a particular style in mind (I think correctly, you mentioned how you “formulated” your vignettes. (I like the word, and have been using it a lot lately, lol. I call it prosetry — poetry and prose woven together to create a hybrid with the best of each as the weave.
    I hope to read more of your work (as we discussed elsewhere) both new and archival.
    Thanks again for coming into our garden.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow… Fun stuff here. I like verse (mostly prose) such a saga in rhyme gets you kudos from me!

    As for Monroe…Well the BeeBee mini-mysteries are only slightly connected.
    Other snippets are in links on the BeeBee page.
    Most stand quite alone and incomplete. Snippets. ‘Monroe’ is sure to return.
    But I shall wait for the ‘write’ prompt or combination of such.

    Thanks for stopping by. And continue success with getting all your characters published.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I like the challenge of taking the characters and situations from my novels and plunking them down into 14 lines with a rhyme scheme. It’s addictive! I’ve written about 150 with 3/4 of them being narrative-ly (that’s a word right?) connected but they can also stand alone as slices of life just like your mystery which I enjoyed. So BeeBee’s mini-mysteries are all creative responses? Mine are too but they are all connected to a larger story arc that’ll be handled in book form.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. BeeBee is all to prompts – Sometimes just one but as many as six shoehorned in one segment.

      Sonnets are a challenge for me. My daily verse (Gems) are shore haiku or Eflje and others. But my long verse (Strands) are a mix. Mostly all to prompts.

      I write for fun. Since I was in 6th grade and that was many, many moons ago 😉 (I’m a gramma now.)

      Liked by 1 person

    3. oh wow, I write for prompts too but it’s my characters who shoehorn (elbow and kick too) their way into those creative responses. They get jealous when I write about anything else. Seriously. I have been writing about them for two decades but it’s never enough. 🙂 They’re always doing something interesting.
      I’m not familiar with ‘Eflje’. I’ll have to look that one up. I just write sonnets. I tried other forms but I like that one the best.

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Ah, I knew I’d bumped into you somewhere! Thanks for a reminder. I haven’t checked the entrants for p / m : Decide yet. Thanks for the link. I’m reading up on the Elfje form now. It’s definitely interesting though maybe not my style.

      Liked by 1 person

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