May Angels Lead You In

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

May Angels Lead You In

Stars and angels sing
a brand new year their songs bring–
light and love, they sing.
~ ~ ~
May Angels lead you in…
~ ~ ~
They sing love and light,
to create a new year bright
with hope in your sights.
~ ~ ~
May Angels lead you in…
~ ~~
May your hope burn bright,
your heart sing of starlit nights
and love on the wing.
~ ~ ~
May Angels lead you in…
~ ~~
and should life be done
may angels bear you hence
to the Holy One.
~ ~ ~
May Angels lead you in…
~ ~~
Happy New Year to All!
~ ~ ~

May Angels Lead You In

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

(Picks up where Stars and Angels Sing left off) 

“I’m sorry my boy…” she said, expiring.
Her fourteen sevens ended then, ninety-
eight years she’d lived and now she’s retiring.
Light coalesced about her and bent knee
to the baby watching, a tear lash caught,
and dangling, sparkling in the radiant
light that gathered into angels that caught
Leesha’s hands and lifted a radiant
spirit free of her flesh cage; she embraced
Sarn, the last of her magic broke like tides
of sunshine that washed shock that her words traced
on his heart, all the things silence hides.
How different would his life have been if…
One glance at Ran and there vanished those ‘ifs’.

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

Sarn watched Angels take his grandmother up–
a woman he’d just met and hardly knew.
Anger at her abandonment right up
until the end of her life tried to brew
but fizzled out ’cause its target had flown.
He hugged Ran, whose lips shaped silent questions
that lacked voice to utter them; death had thrown
a silent veil but Sarn guessed Ran’s question.
“I don’t know,” he said, failing to admit
he wasn’t certain if Ran’s mum was missing
’cause she’d found another man and not writ
or death had kept her and reminiscing
about her would do his son no favors.
Best he forget; life was his to savor.

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

A hand touched his shoulder, a woman’s hand;
In her eyes shone a mother’s compassion.
A gold nimbus crowned her, a halo, and
her smile promised knowledge of a fashion.
“I’ll keep all this in my heart to ponder
all the days of my life and so will you.”
She touched her heart, smiled, “Come walk and wander
with me under the sky and I’ll tell you
about the angel Gabriel who came
to tell me I’d been chosen to bear God’s son.”
Sarn followed her out; that star, it’s great flame,
silvered all turning the town into one
lovely dream, one he hoped wouldn’t end yet.
There was so much to know and ne’er regret.

~ ~ ~

The story continues tomorrow in Sons and Holy Ones

Read Sarn’s Epiphany Journey Here

~ ~ ~

Happy New Year to all!
May all your new years be bright.

~ ~ ~

This post is dedicated to my sister Carolyn, (1984-2014).
May she rest in peace.

May Angels Lead You In

I hope Angels bore you hence, 
back to whence your life did come.
Like a dove, I hope you winged,
carried on the breath of dawn.
~ ~ ~
May Angels lead you in.
~ ~ ~
Here below we’ve no suspense;
one day we’ll hear death’s song strum
and we’ll fly to the one kinged
long ago in glory drawn.
~ ~ ~
May Angels lead us in.
~ ~ ~

For my sister, this was one of her favorite songs. 

Well sis, I finally wrote a scene where it applies. Promise kept. 🙂

I was rereading this at the stroke of midnight. This is my Now.

26 thoughts on “May Angels Lead You In

  1. A touching and heartfelt dedication. I am sure she would have approved of this, and told you how proud she is to be your sister.
    Love, hugs to you Melinda!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I sit here, searching for tissues as your words have moved me to tears. Such love you hold within your words and what a wonderful dedication to your sister – this piece, this blog – a true labour of love…May your new year bring you peace, joy, good health, prosperity and as much love as your heart can hold, and then some…blessings to you, my friend, and thank you for all your support these past few months…i look forward to reading you today, tomorrow and that days which follow!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 Your words mean so much especially after the mixed reactions I have received.on and off line. I hadn’t realized how much this post was a cry for validation until someone very close, a close relative, reacted oddly and things became strained between us and this post became the 800 pound elephant in the room. This touched a bad chord; surfaced something not good in a person who was there at my sister’s unexpected end; someone witnessed the inexplicable surrounding that event, who very probably knows things I won’t ever know. It wasn’t my intention to hurt this person, whom I love very much, but I think somehow my post may have done that by raising those memories. We’re not estranged anymore as we were around the time of my sister’s death; my sister’s death mended that relationship and that is a sad thing to say…I’m sorry I’m rambling. The reaction I got hurt a lot though it wasn’t meant to and I started questioning my decision to do all this–his blog, sharing the stories that mean so much to me–when out of the blue I saw your comment. It was like someone up there heard me and sent an immediate response. I can’t express my thanks enough for the support and validation you have given me. Sometimes it is so hard forging ahead alone but I never give up. So I go on grateful for every crumb of encouragement I receive. Thank you for reading my series and commenting and pushing me to try new forms.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Melinda, your work speaks for itself and the blog you have created in your sister’s honor is simply beautiful. I am no expert on human behaviour, however, I have learned this in my few decades on this Earth and that is we cannot control how others react to what we say or write. True validation comes from within and all you need to do is ask yourself: how do I feel now that I have written this? If this answer is, I feel good then you have your validation. We all grieve in our own way and this is your way to grieve your sister’s loss while fulfilling a promise to her. And, my friend, nothing worth doing is easy. Forge on, complete your goals and know that your sister would be so proud of you. I am honoured to have been able to meet you and privileged to be on the other side of this blog you have so beautifully crafted in your sister’s name. Warm hugs to you!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Thank you, I took a walk, looked at stars and christmas lights and came to the same conclusion. I feel good–proud even–of what I have accomplished. Thank you so much for the much needed reminder. Thank you for the hugs too! You are right and I know that people grieve in their own way; I am certain this person didn’t intend any hurt; I can’t control the reactions of my characters, I wouldn’t dare to try such a thing with live humans. Thank you again for being on the other side of the blog my friend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    4. You are kindly welcome, Melinda…I am happy to hear you are clear in your present journey…the hugs are always here! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    5. Thank you again, it’s when I’m on my own that my path is clear. when I am with other people I begin to question but a brisk walk generally sets me straight. 🙂 No wonder I wear out so many running shoes! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So beautifully written Melinda! I read it twice! Your words aim straight for the heart! Wishing you a very Happy and a Blessed year! May the angels offer you guidance and strength through all adversities! Lots of love! ❤


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