Sons and Holy Ones

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

Sons and Holy Ones

(Picks up where May Angels Lead You In left off)

Ran managed to give his Papa the slip.
Let Papa talk adult things with the blessed.
Ran approached the reason for this long trip.
The baby watched him with dark eyes that guessed
his intention and held out a hand so small,
which Ran gently squeezed, smiling the babe’s smile.
Starlight enfolded them; when it left, all
had changed; Ran and the baby had grown, while
time stood still, so they might talk together.
“You’re the saviour,” Ran said in Papa’s voice.
“Yes, storms come, you’ll need blessings to weather
them, blessings your father has, and his choice,
were he aware that he had one, would be
to give you the same protection, you see?”

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

Ran digested that and then shook his head.
“Your father was baptized at birth but you
weren’t and he doesn’t know, so we jumped ahead
so I could correct that if you want to.”
The King of Kings shrugged; Ran sat pondering.
“Why doesn’t my Papa know about this choice?”
“My Father hoped the foster thing would bring
some understanding but no one there has voiced
anything about me or my Father.”
The Savior sighed; the situation vexed.
The son of a curse breaker was rather
special and needed special protection;
the kind He could bestow with Ran’s sanction.

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

“If Papa has this protection, then I
want to have it too, so what do I do?”
“You already believe, so…” Light his ally,
rose up; Ran fell, landed and looked out through
a babe’s eyes at a girl with Papa’s eyes–
so green they glowed softly as she cradled
her son–Ran’s Papa–water in his eyes,
words spoken, a candle lit–he felt ladled
when it ended and light replaced the scene.
Ran stood by the manger; he held a King’s
small hand as he blinked, his mind’s still between
places but before he could ask, singing
caught his ear and with a nod that explained
all, he joined the song that from on high rained.

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

“Hark the herald angels’ sing glory to
the newborn King! Peace on earth and mercy
mild, God and sinners reconciled,” sang crews
of angels while a dark conspiracy
gnashed its teeth and thrashed about in defeat.
Its claws couldn’t penetrate what light had sealed.
It’d tried to corrupt the father, beaten
back its influence had been; grace had steeled
that pure core; dangerous that curse breaker,
making Sarn a potent adversary.
Now the first child of curse breaker
stock was also sealed ‘gainst the adversary’s
taint–was not light, love and magic enough?
Why not allow a touch of evil stuff?

~ ~ ~

The story continues in The Holy and the Lowly.

Catch up on missed scenes here.

(and there are circles…)

25 thoughts on “Sons and Holy Ones

    1. yes there had to be a meeting. Ran’s just too curious for there not to be! 🙂 And I did need to get him some protection. That evil thing rears its head in the book series and Ran looks like a tasty snack to it…it actually just saw him right before all this took place. I’m working on getting those books into Kindle books!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you. The Kindle Book I just posted is the entire Christmas/Advent/Epiphany sequence with some new material to make it a cohesive, continuous storyline. I will post the last two parts of it here tomorrow and Tuesday. But thank you! A number of folks (friends, relatives, coworkers, busy wordpressers) asked if I could put this together for those who aren’t able to check my blog everyday for the updates, so I have put it together. 🙂 Next I will be getting book one out which takes place months before this. 🙂 I am so excited! Then onto a new storyline for the 2016 crayola color challenge. 😀 oh and I guess I need to schlep back to work on Monday too. got that pesky thing called a mortgage to pay.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. 😀 such a busy writer you are… that’s awesome and I am sure all those who asked will enjoy the series as much as your readers have here 😀 I start a ten week work contract tomorrow and my time in blog world will be limited but I still hope to be able to maintain a healthy posting schedule while reading at least some of my favorite authors, yourself included 😀 In light of work starting, i hope you enjoy this wonderful Sunday 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Thank you! Congrats on the world contract! I intend to get out and walk around 7 ish miles–get that last really long promenade in before I have to cut my walking down (damn 1 hr lunch–I mean walking–breaks). If I ever make enough money working for myself that I can ditch the office job, I’ll have to take out stock in sneaker companies! My blog will be here when You’re free. I’m also going to post the ongoing tale for the color challenge on in sequence. So you can read it in either place whichever is easier. They have a nice interface for reading sequential works and they’re free. I’ll also gather that series into a kindle book. It’ll be one cohesive storyline. So there will be plenty of reading options 🙂 Hopefully one method will work best for you and as always, if you run across something better, let me know! 🙂 I’m always trying to make things easy.

      Liked by 1 person

    5. Welcome! You will cover all angles, I am sure…i have to confess, I am not any form…I have a bunch of novels on my Kindle for windows but have not been able to get past the first few pages…i am a Book lover 🙂 I am lucky to have been able to keep up with poetry in blog world, but most of the things i read are quick reads…:) anyway, my friend, happy sunday…I am off to enjoy the great white outdoors 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    6. enjoy! I am thinking of doing a limited print run because I really, really want to hold a copy of my book in hand. If I do so, (if I can afford it), I will let you know. I hear you about kindle books. I’ve read a few but I prefer audiobooks or the paper copy. If I had an actual kindle or a working tablet I might feel differently. Reading the kindle books on my phone is tough; the screen hurts my eyes after awhile and my phone becomes atomically hot.

      Liked by 1 person

    7. I will! I hope to research packages for that later this week and start figuring out how much reformatting I need to do. I have daydreamed about my own books gracing my bookcase for so long that I’m jarred by their absence! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    8. I might go with create space. Their site made the most sense. (i.e. they had instructions about how I could prep the files myself saving me money. I’m a big do it yourself-er.) Let me know if you discover any worth checking out. Oh and I recommend this article:
      It’s about isbns. I bought mine; this way I own all the rights to my work. I know a writer who self-pubbed and didn’t purchase their own ISBNs and now has to repurchase the rights to her work back from the publisher. I follow Celia’s blog; that’s her article above, it has articles that are really helpful about publishing for different formats, traditional vs self pub, electronic vs print, etc. Food for thought! 🙂

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