Indentured | Curse Breaker

Indentured–one word with three syllables,
in its meaning is found a lifetime’s worth
of complexity, incalculable
problems that his signature, an X, birthed.
Yet fly to work he does for his master’s
waiting and Sarn’s running, chasing the bells
that chime the hours; yes run slave, run faster!
Mount Erendren’s bells wait for none to knell,
tell that day has ended for some, not you.
Night’s rising, moon’s winging o’er Shayari
and the Enchanted forest’s restless too.
Quick, smart trees, all a-glow, need you to see
what their daytime sport, that tends to distort,
did to folks, who came ‘neath trees to disport.

Read the rest in Curse Breaker: Enchanted today: 

After an enchanted tree abducts Sarn, he’s thrust into a mystery revolving around a double homicide. Can Sarn protect his son, keep his masters happy and help the dead boy haunting him?

Look inside to find out. Read the first 15 chapters for free.

19 thoughts on “Indentured | Curse Breaker

  1. It’s interesting how Sarn despises his own eyes so much but when you describe the no magic folk you say “mud-coloured eyes.” Makes me think Sarn is actually blessed to have his magic green glowing eyes, and it is a good thing not to merely have “mud-coloured eyes.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you. I’d love to have his eyes in blue since that’s my fav color, but he hates to stand out. Folks don’t react well to a pair of eyes that glow continuously. It’s not natural 🙂 Thank you for reading 🙂

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