Goodnight – A Senryu?


(Quite possibly a series of senryus)

Let night break gentle
on your brow and wipe away
cares as it enfolds.

Toss your wishes high
so like the stars they scatter
and night might gather.

Night holds your wishes
in its pocket, kept there safe
’till day unlocks it.

Sleep now, wish no more
let cares slide between the boards
as bright dreams take wing.

Let sunlight hold you;
no nightmare can behold you;
sleep now, dreams shield you.

Fly amid the stars
where wishes made become true;
wake to wish granted.

Sunlight breaks gently
on your brow and embraces
dreams as it enfolds.

32 thoughts on “Goodnight – A Senryu?

    1. Thank you! I just wanted to wish everyone a good night and I have been challenged to write senryus…and after writing twitter tweets my brain was all fired up for 17 syllables of whimsy and good wishes 🙂

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    1. I’m good and I’m glad this gave you a smile 🙂 We must chat soon! I miss our chats as well but I know that we’re accumulating good stuff to chat about. Until then my friend, rest well!


  1. Lovely lines. And indeed these are senryus. You see the point of difference between a haiku and senryu is that haiku essentially has a “kigo” which means seasonal word, while a senryu has more to do with emotions and abstract thoughts. Haiku of course of the mother of all. Then there’s tanka (literally short song) which is like a senryu but with two additional 7-7 lines. A choka (long song) is a longer version of a tanka.
    You’ve done fantastically, take a now each for every verse.

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  2. A lovely series of Senryu, my dear Melinda. What wonderful words to read during my couple minutes break. As sleep deprived as I am, it’s not nighty night for me, I still have a long day ahead of me yet 🙂 I miss our chats. Have a good night’s rest.

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    1. Thank you! I wasn’t certain if these were senryus. Thanks for confirming that they are. I too miss our chats. We shall have another soon! Have a good day my friend! Work only as hard as you must not as hard as they wish. 🙂 Stay sane!

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