Temperance: Senryu’s Seven Virtues

The Seven Virtues of Senryu:


 I am taking on the seven cardinal virtues in a senryu rumble. I couldn’t reach my blogging partner in  crime, so I’m going it alone. Wish me luck! Salvation, here I come! You better be ready to greet me at journey’s end.

If you missed the Seven Deadly Sins of Senryu, you can find all the senryu mayhem by clicking here.


Honor your promise
Bind your eyes, hold your scales high
Abstain from vile acts

Against opinion
Stand tree-firm amid the gale
Let lies not sway you

Hold truth in your hand
Don’t let it flow into lies
Drip in collusion

Set pyres for justice
Burn away the illusion
Leave behind the real

~ ~ ~

Image credit: collage of Pixabay images + some photo manipulation by me (Melinda).

26 thoughts on “Temperance: Senryu’s Seven Virtues

  1. “hold truth in your hands . . . Burn away the illusion” a call for justice to blind to. Be truthful. And for everyone to not lie. Well done ladies!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. More great wisdom. More daily mantras for me. Cannot pick a single favorite verse this time. All 4 absolute gems. But yes, like Rosema, I’m a little inclined towards having no preconceived notions. Your words are replete with wisdom that everyone is taught but very few follow. Wonderful, Mel!

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    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ While writing this series, I had a Zen master sitting in the back of my mind delivering these nuggets of wisdom. I don’t know where he came from but i am glad he moved into my head space for the days it took to compose these πŸ™‚

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  3. Absolutely loved this!! It is perfect both in concept and in creativity! You are one talented writer my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

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