

Words dashed off in notes
wing across field and mountain
hand delivered flat

Wax seal on vellum
a palimpsest oft folded
creased and full of words

It’s all about you
not one question about me
no hi how are you?

Clench my fist, crumple
your latest missive, eye twitch
as your words repeat

No two way flow here
just your insecurity
ink captured and sent

Tugs at my heart strings
cuts my vein bleeds ink to write–
reassurance sent

Special messenger
spreads gray wings, note tied to leg
beats the frigid air

Breath, fog enfolded,
creates clouds that drift away
sky hangs low today

Add letter to box
skim contents, find a pattern
each note’s about you

Rip them, let wind take
your words to where they belong
confetti breeze tossed

let your selfishness
drift, rain down on someone else
let them piece you back

Wind ruffles my cloak
strap on helmet and cuirass
step into chariot

My scarlet cloak waves
hooves pound the Appian Way
I answer war’s call.

You don’t know or care
because you never asked what
I do between notes.

If your notes had eyes
you’d see the pain I carry
watch all my struggles.

You’d ask how fares me
send ressaurance my way
you’d give ‘stead of take

My hands squeeze the reins
I’m asking too much of you
you’re not built that way.

Thoughts dwindle with miles
front lines rise up to meet me
gladius in hand.

When your next note comes
it’ll find me broken, bloody
dead on glory’s field

No reassurance
left to give, all of it spent
on dying comrades

When no reply comes
will you regret not asking
or will you send notes

Beg me to write back
break death’s silent seal, grave kept
as I walk heav’n fields.

In silence you’ll sit
unasked questions feast on you
and hollow you out

I won’t even know
no mail in Elysian Fields
no paper to write

No more words dashed off
no winged messengers fly here
no missive heav’n sent.

~ ~ ~

32 thoughts on “Words

  1. I don’t know if the selfish narcissist, can even begin to understand when something like this is being written about and for them. I believe they are impervious to seeing anything beyond their own wants and perceived needs. I agree, that you certainly did get a great poem out of it. Don’t you just love where inspiration comes from? Way to go at turning a negative experience into something wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It was cathartic but yes, you’re right. As a billboard for change, it doesn’t work not as intended. You are right about inspiration. It pops up in the oddest places! I am glad it does! Life would be boring if it didn’t. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. You are welcome, my friend! And know that you have support in large numbers as many of us have low to zero tolerance for the selfishly inclined 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I believe that the truly selfish is selfish all the time and the world revolves around the ‘me’ complex. I have not evidence to support this, aside from some ‘friendships’ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Extremely poignant and beautiful. But your speaker has strength. This note makes the speaker angry and hurt and his friend could break the speaker’s strength, and the friend doesn’t even know it. The friend is selfish and the notes are just about him; he never asks about the speaker and his life.
    But the speaker is going into battle. Maybe, the speaker thinks, he is asking too much of his friend to be a better friend then he is… But the friend’s next note won’t reach the speaker, “it can’t break death’s silent seal” and there is no paper in the ” Elysian Fields.” What was unsaid will make the speaker’s friend empty inside. I really loved this and your referances to Greek/Roman mythology and battles. You’re very talented Melinda!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Your analysis is dead on perfect! This poem is for all those who suffer in silence like this. maybe some of those selfish people out there will read this and see themselves in it and change their ways. It takes only a moment to ask how someone is and that one question could change everything for the person who is asked. Thank you again for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my god. I stopped breathing for a split second while reading this.
    So many emotions in this one! ! So may ways to look at it and so many more to relate to! Brilliant work !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mel oh Mel, this is one of your bests and my favourite by you. You just stunned me into silence. Powerful, poignant, hint of anger, tinge of pain, lots of nostalgia, yearning, etc rtc. Could see a plethora of emotions so beautifully weaved together to create a power-packed piece that is bkund to leave yoir readers stunned and gaping in awe of your poetic prowess.
    “No two way flow here
    just your insecurity
    ink captured and sent”
    I see this as a conversation the speaker is having with the self. I could be wrong, though.

    “Rip them, let wind take
    your words to where they belong
    confetti breeze tossed”
    Frustration and pain at not being responded to.

    “Let your selfishness
    drift, rain down on someone else
    let them piece you back”
    Broken and yearning for affirmation perhaps to be told it was you made them whole again.

    “You don’t know or care
    because you never asked what
    I do between notes.”
    Oh the pain here of being made to feel unloved.

    “If your notes had eyes
    you’d see the pain I carry
    watch all my struggles.”
    Self explanatory.

    “When no reply comes
    will you regret not asking
    or will you send notes”
    A lump rose and my eyes got misty here.

    “Beg me to write back
    break death’s silent seal, grave kept
    as I walk heav’n fields”
    Longing to be reunited with a loved one.

    Mel, breathtaking. Heartbreaking! Absolutely beautiful. Beautiful would be an understatement, truth be told. Your soul bared, you are beautiful.
    P.S. My interpretations on the above verses could be wrong, I which case I ask your pardon. And would love to get your insights.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your in-depth analysis. You interpretation is very interesting, close to the mark too. He’s actually talking not about himself but another person who writes only about their drama but never asks anything of him or his life. He feels that friendship is one-sided and he has had enough. He tore up their letters and rode off to do his duty. His friend will never know what became of him because his friend never asked, just assumed.


  5. There’s a whole novel in these beautiful verses, Mel. Excellent story telling-war, love, heartbreak and death…what more can you ask for?! Addictive from start to finish and thoroughly enjoyed, clever poet 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! 🙂 This poem wrote itself; the words just ran into each other, leaping from fingers to page. The story unfurling in my head. I could have written a novella based on it had it not been 1 am and my eyes closing from exhaustion.


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