Winter’s Dance

Winter’s Dance*

*A collaboration with Rosema from A Reading Writer

Rosema writes short fiction, inspiring poems and posts about the books she’s reading.
Hop on over to check out her site and pick up a recommendation or two for your next read.

Recall that winter fun one last time in a collaborative sonnet, of course.)

Winter’s Dance

Barren land blanketed with brilliant white
Sparkling ice crusts all dripping icicles
Bare twigs displays stalactites, stalagmites
All part of the season’s endless cycles
Winter land’s fresh page is like a clean slate
Covering up Autumn’s leafy decay
With crystalline frost Arctic winds create
Blowing snow drifts that fly over the quay
Flushed cheeks, reddened ears, blue-tinged lips, freezing
As I turn figure eights ‘round the iced lake
Teeth chatter as frostbites comes with cold seeping
But I spin and ice dance without a break
In sync with the whispers of frost, I twirl
Letting go of all my cares as I whirl.

~ ~ ~

Image credit: Pixabay

13 thoughts on “Winter’s Dance

  1. I find collaborating works extremely well for you. You’re a very good writer and your empathy allows you to write alongside different styles. Really liked your collaboration work as well as your usual writing. Have a lot to catch up on as I can barely write my own poems but am hoping to find some time next month 😀

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