Tell me | Curse Breaker

Tell me | Curse Breaker

Battle for control
fight magic with iron will
sanity’s at stake.
Reign in that sixth sense before
you drown in information.

The third time he went down hard on one knee grappling with the magic. This time he had it by the horns. Submit damn it. I own you, not the other way around. Like a chastised dog, the magic belly-crawled to its hole and awaited instructions. Sarn regained his feet without help this time. For now he had the magic reigned in and clamped to a leash short enough to keep it focused on finding trip hazards like loose stones.

Read the rest in Curse Breaker: Enchanted


After an enchanted tree abducts Sarn, he’s thrust into a mystery revolving around a double homicide. Can Sarn protect his son, keep his masters happy and help the dead boy haunting him?

Look inside to find out. Read the first 15 chapters for free.

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