What Does Grace and Space Mean to You?

We’ve (okay I’ve) talked about embracing imperfection in Permission to be. Bikurgurl picked up that theme and took it to the next level and urged us to be authentic in Space and Grace. Now it’s time to hear from you.

What does giving yourself ‘Grace and Space’ mean to you?

What springs to mind when you hear that question? Does it remind you to allow yourself to be you? Does it sound a clarion call to clear out the chaos and clutter of your life?

“The courage to accept the fact that I’m not perfect (don’t tell the twenty year-old me!), the will to respect and allow myself space (and time, and pace) to grow, to make mistakes.”


— Annie from What the Woman Wrote

Click here to tweet Annie’s Quote

Perspectives from around the Blogosphere

Read some of the things your fellow bloggers are saying about perfection, authenticity and being the you that you were always meant to be.

Oliana answered the question in her poem, Who Am I But Me? There she talks about authenticity and what it means to be her:

I am perfect
in my imperfection
I`m an ordinary human being,
doing the best I can
with utmost dedication.


— Oliana from Traces of the Soul

 Click here to tweet Oliana’s Quote

Jacqueline writes of her sister in My Sister, My Sister, and her words offer a truth we should all embrace because we are all an:

Imperfectly perfect soul

 of beautiful


Your indelible cracks

have made you



— Jacqueline Obyikocha of A Cooking Pot and Twisted Tales

Click here to to tweet Jacqueline’s quote

What does ‘giving yourself Grace and Space’ mean to you?

Does it send up a call deep within your soul to be truly yourself? Are you right now throwing off the shackles of other people’s expectations and firing your inner critic? Is your pen or your fingers racing over the keys/pages to construct your own post about what it means to be uniquely you?

63 thoughts on “What Does Grace and Space Mean to You?

  1. This is a real treat Melinda. Thanks!
    The question brought me to last Hatha yoga class when the instructor talked about feeling light, in peace, having patience with ourselves throughout our daily journeys. My conclusion was that in order to do that we need to leave the ego and speak from the heart, relieving ourselves from fulfilling external expectations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Feel free to add to it! I am collecting more quotes, poems, reactions of any kind to add to a follow up post. Do let me know if you’d like to add something for that. I’d love to have a quote or anything you feel like sharing. Feel free to talk about this idea with your readers. Spread the grace!


    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ What does the phrase mean to you? I’m still gathering perspectives. I’d love to add yours! You can give me a quote or link me to something you’ve already written πŸ™‚


    1. Aren’t you sweet?
      Thank you. 😊

      In a nutshell?
      The opportunity to accept my flaws, my mistakes, likewise.
      And determining self to work on bettering myself, for myself.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Perfect! Thank you! I will link to your site when I post this. I’m waiting to see if I get any more quotes. I want to give others the opportunity to chime in. Maybe we can all learn something πŸ™‚ or maybe we’ll just remind each other to cut ourselves some slack, turn off our inner critics–so long as it’s a positive reaction! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    3. πŸ˜€ awesome! I will of course reference your post in follow on posts so we can keep folks circling around and gaining as much positive perspective on the matter as our blogging community can provide πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for gathering the writers and gaining the wider perspective! I’m so enjoying the evolution of our conversation, pulling in like-minded bloggers – Brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Loving it! I would love to continue making it priority going forward — our experiences give us the perspective that life is fleeting, we are not promised tomorrow, and changing the script inside changes … everything! I look forward to working with you πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Add your perspective to the mix! What does the phrase ‘give yourself grace and space’ mean to you? It could be a quote or feel free to write a poem and send me the link! I’d like to do a follow-on post with more blogger’s perspectives on this πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Do let me know! I’d love to include your thoughts in a follow on post. You’re very welcome πŸ™‚ When I read your poem, I knew I had to include it some how into this conversation.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Well I am touched. I remember writing that poem late at night as a stream of consciousness. Rereading it later, I was surprised. Love those moments when my muse takes over.

      Liked by 1 person

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