Grace Gets Personal: Acceptance Through Vulnerability

Grace Gets Personal: Acceptance Through Vulnerability

In a nutshell?
[Grace is] the opportunity to accept my flaws, my mistakes, likewise.
And determining self to work on bettering myself, for myself.

–Enigma of Lost in the Echo

We’ve talked about embracing imperfection in Permission to be. Bikurgurl picked up that theme and took it to the next level and urged us to be authentic in Space and Grace.

Before you can give yourself grace, you first must have grace.  On Saturday we talked with Amanda from Mandibelle16Bikurgurl and Dajena, about grace from without. On Sunday, Carol from WritersDream9 showed you how to harness that external grace and turn it inwards.

Today, as Enigma said, we’re working on accepting who we are at our deepest level. But first, we need to figure out who are down deep. To do that we need to strip away all the layers of falsehoods we’ve clothed ourselves with in order to fit into society’s mold.

So break out your toolbox. Grab your sandpaper and start rubbing away those layers of paint. Rosema from A Reading Writer will show you how to harness your grace through vulnerability and acceptance.

In Rosema’s post Clothed in Space and Grace, she begins by confessing the flaws she perceives in herself. ‘Flaws’ that I happen to share. After stripping herself down to the emotional quick, she writes:

“I am now naked in front you so it’s time to clothe myself with space and grace.”

And clothe herself she does in grand style while laying out a road map for acceptance. Accepting yourself as you are is the first step to internalizing grace. So let’s get cracking on that. Lead on Rosema!

Rosema begins by asking for the thing she wants–space and grace:

“Space and grace
oh, I’m in dazed.
Can you clothed
my naked mind’s maze?”

Asking is the first step because in asking, we rationalize that hey we need this thing. Once we ask for it, we’re plan to acquiring it. We are starting down that bumpy road to change.

Next she points out that internalizing that grace in order to make space requires a choice:

“Yes, oh yes
you answered.
I am a choice
you can still make.”

Choice is step two because when we choose to do something, we’re committing ourselves to take action. Next Rosema pulls out her trusty toolbox and her first tool is freedom:

“Here’s your dress
named freedom.
The freedom
to embrace the real you.
The freedom
to choose what’s right and true.”

Freedom is essential. You don’t have to be imprisoned by a constant search for perfection or negative self talk. You can choose to free yourself from the chains of your inner critic. You can do as Rosema suggests, you can open your mind to the possibilities and put on courage to accept:

“Here’s your shoes
named courage.
The courage to accept
you’re far from perfect.
The courage to bleed
when you’re smashed and wrecked.”

Because none of us are perfect. We all bleed. At one time or another we’re all going to be beautiful messes and that’s okay. We are where we are. We shouldn’t blame ourselves for not being somewhere else. It takes real courage to be vulnerable and let the world see that vulnerability.

Rosema writes:

“Here’s your crown
named grace.
The grace to pick
your broken shards.
The grace to not just breathe
but live your life.”

She’s so right. You need grace to heal when you’re wounded or broken and grace to live on when tragedy strikes. That last part I know well. After my sister’s death two years ago, I needed grace to get up every morning and go to work.

Grace is our inner strength. It’s that still, small voice that tells us that yes, we can go on. It’s a continual affirmation of life and its always inside us, burning brightly. It pushes us to make space to be ourselves.

Rosema closes with:

“Space and grace
oh, I’m amazed.
Please remain within
my mind’s clothed maze.”

When you’ve embraced your inner grace, yes that amazing grace, you’ll never let it go. You’ll let it shine out of the real you.

Thank you Rosema for that deep poetic examination of grace and for providing a step by step guide to acceptance through vulnerability. Thank you Enigma for providing the perfect opening quote. Thank you both for being part of this series.

Fear not dear reader, there will be more.

What does grace mean to you?

I would love to know! Let me know if you’d like to play a role in this series. I’m open to suggestions!


20 thoughts on “Grace Gets Personal: Acceptance Through Vulnerability

  1. Oh wooooow! oh woooow, Mel!! Geez. I didn’t know my piece is this deep until you said it. You make sense to my words and I just completely in AWE! This, Mel, is more than I have in mind and I am just so overwhelmed on how you break my words and make meaning, deeper meanings, in each stanza! Geez! Thank you, dear!!! ❤

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