Blood, Like Leaves, Falls

Leaves crunched under my feet–red ones, and I tasted blood. A flash of something, a dark scene half remembered, interrupted my sight. My lips brushed his, but he withdrew. His glorious eyes showered me in silver light. Shock painted his handsome face as he wiped my blood from his lips onto his tattered sleeve.

I loved him. He didn’t love me.

In a blink, I returned to contemplating a distant slice of sky. Was the sun rising or setting? A gold mist hung in the air, and its tendrils reached out for me. This place isn’t Shayari. Is my carcass still lying beneath those enchanted oaks with my lifeless hand grasping after a love I failed to find?

We were friends he and I. The best of friends once before I did something I should regret. But I don’t. What did I do?

Memories fade into the autumnal haze leaving me confused. Maybe Death’s taken them too. It took my body and separated me from him, so it might as well steal my memories too. But I still remember him and I always will. I taste his tears, feel them drip onto my face.

I’ll wait here until he darkens death’s door and then we’ll be together, my Angel and I, the way we were always meant to be.

Read about my epic mistake in Curse Breaker: Enchanted, on sale on Amazon now.



Can Sarn protect his son, keep his masters happy, resolve a mystery and help the dead boy stalking him without losing his mind or control of his magic?

Find out in Curse Breaker: Enchanted.

Download it to your Kindle today.


This is a possible intro for a novella picking up after Curse Breaker: Enchanted ends from a different character’s pov. Do let me know if you like it.