Autumn’s Passage

Autumn’s Passage*

*A collaboration with Rosema from A Reading Writer

Rosema writes short fiction, inspiring poems and posts about the books she’s reading.
Hop on over to check out her site and pick up a recommendation or two for your next read.

Relive autumn’s splendor in a collaborative sonnet, of course.

Autumn’s Passage

Leaves painted in sunset hues reach for sky
Skeletal trees so bare, so naked
As leaves fall, pool like earth’s blood on wind’s sigh
Turns green grounds to a bed that’s gold-plated
Ready for winter to lie down and rest
As coming freezing chills sips its gaiety
Autumn still remains piled up and dressed
Displays her own unique scarlet beauty
She lulls the trees to sleep, to wait for spring
Whispers calming song, earth’s wind sings along
Dragging ever nearer winter’s cold sting
Holds on to it’s red crown that won’t last long
All leaves fall in the end to make compost
As white frosts replace rust, crimson combos.

~ ~ ~

Image credit: Unsplash

20 thoughts on “Autumn’s Passage

  1. Wonderful collaboration. I like the description “her scarlet beauty” which is “lulling” the trees to sleep for winter. Great portrayel of a Fall image.

    Liked by 2 people

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