Curse Breaker | Crossing

Curse Breaker | Crossing

Wood scraped over wood. Something thudded and had he heard a whip crack? Sarn opened his mouth to ask about that when Nolo urged him forwards.

“Keep going. The ‘disturbance’ is still some way ahead.”

Nolo pronounced ‘disturbance’ like a curse. Maybe it was. All this begged an important question. Why choose him—the indentured son of a whore—to deal with this disturbance? What could he do to alleviate this ‘disturbance’ when the sight of his luminescent eyes would incite further trouble rather than quell it?

Read the rest in Curse Breaker: Enchanted today: 

After an enchanted tree abducts Sarn, he’s thrust into a mystery revolving around a double homicide. Can Sarn protect his son, keep his masters happy and help the dead boy haunting him?

Look inside to find out. Read the first 15 chapters for free.

13 thoughts on “Curse Breaker | Crossing

  1. I love reading the different forms you are writing in. You excel in both poetic forms and prose.


  2. I really like the parts where your characters sense what might happen (especially Sarn). It makes me think and reflect upon my own life and those moments when I know something IS out there..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am intrigued! Came here from Twitter as saw you followed me….and of course I enjoy the setting of this mysterious story – will read more and delve into it…


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