Curse Breaker: Enchanted is Coming

Pre-order Curse Breaker: Enchanted on 6.27.16 and meet Sarn, a troubled young man who lives two lives–one by day raising his son in a perilous place where freedom is a commodity and one by night as an indentured servant working off his younger brother’s school debt under the Rangers’ supervision. Both his worlds collide when a child is murdered in the enchanted forest. A child who is also kin to magic just like him and his son. Continue reading Curse Breaker: Enchanted is Coming

Curse Breaker | Tell me

Tell me | Curse Breaker Part 8 of Curse Breaker: Enchanted, vol 1 (if you missed a part, you can find it here, on its Table of Contents. picks up where Master left off.) One word stood out from the stones’ din. That word slipped and slid in his mind evading his understanding. It didn’t want to be understood. Twenty feet on the stones in Nolo’s bracelet fell silent. The word escaped in the sudden quiet leaving behind a symbolic after-image–a circle with flanges shoring it up. What did it mean? Great, something to figure out later. A tug on his arm yanked … Continue reading Curse Breaker | Tell me