Light Calls | Curse Breaker

Light calls to like, will Sarn answer its call?
Part of Curse Breaker: Enchanted. Continue reading Light Calls | Curse Breaker

Blindly Seeking | Curse Breaker

Curse Breaker | Blindly Seeking One day Sarn would discover what had happened to the Litherians. The answer lay hidden in the depths of their last public work–Mount Eredren. He’d find it even if he had to delve down into the very roots of it. But not tonight. No tonight he had to earn his bread, his bed and his brother’s education. The passage ended right where Sarn’s mental map said it would. He strode into a wider passage bisected by an arcade. Sunlight reached out and touched a warm finger to the tip of his nose and tempted him to … Continue reading Blindly Seeking | Curse Breaker

Contrivance – One Word Photo Challenge

Contrivance In chrome it gleams; at the bottom of pots, it waits. In my fridge it chills, though it still beckons. More insistent than dark chocolate, it baits me with visions of green valleys; dead-on in my sights, an Enchanted Forest spreads. Dragons ride the thermals and cats foretell, offering beach blanket fliers not bread, but bowls of soup to sup upon while spell Cat winds with words both old and kind of times when heroes rode, a Child of Magic strode and sword made whole when right healed the old crime which drove a line of men onto shame’s road. Reflected in glass on my appliance, is … Continue reading Contrivance – One Word Photo Challenge