Eavesdropping – Writing 101 #10

Yellow flower (c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera


Ran pretended to sleep. Often adults
ignored small children, so his feigned repose
went unnoticed and he heard the results.
“–traumatic brain injury but he shows
some improvement. He’s young. Recovery
is possible but it’ll take time, how much
I can’t say ’til he wakes.” Recovery
sounded good. Papa’d be okay; Ran clutched
his stuffed bear as the healer’s voice faded.
Uncle Miren’s question cut the quiet,
“When’ll he wake up?” Lying still, Ran waited;
the reply was eaten by the quiet
settling o’er the infirmary. He cried
’til a weak embrace, him, from his fears, pried.

~ ~ ~

A scene from a later book in the Curse Breaker Saga. The protagonist from the Curse Breaker Saga, Sarn, is the one with the head injury. Since I wrote the series out of order it’s tough to say in which book this scene and its accompanying story line will be published. I just know which events precede it.

Something about today’s assignment for Writing 101 reminded me of the time I spent at my father’s bedside this summer as he recovered from a stroke. Those two months reminded me very much of the story arc from which this poem springs. A story line I wrote years before my dad’s hospitalization.

9 thoughts on “Eavesdropping – Writing 101 #10

  1. A very powerful piece of writing. I’ll have to check out the Curse Breaker Saga!
    I’ve just found your blog, so I don’t know if I should inquire as to the outcome with your father. Such vigils are hard emotionally.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I write a lot of poems about the Curse Breaker Saga. I’m trying to get the first part published to kindle. My father is doing well. He left the hospital at the end of August and he continues to improve every day


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