Pour Some Sugar on my Pie

Baking Pie (c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

Pie Making

Inari surveyed her kitchen  and smiled.
Lumir glowed red in its grate for baking,
stone counters gleamed and a four year old child
sat in silence arranging rocks, making
patterns on the stone floor. Miren had gone
to school, so also had her son Nerule.
Nolo and Sarn both worked nights; sleep had drawn
them in that morn. Waking Sarn would be cruel,
so off to market she went, a withdrawn
child in tow. Quiet he stayed, no ‘whys’trailed
her through the aisles, his curiosity
blunted but by what? That morn Sarn had sailed
in, spent time with Ran in amity,
before she’d chased him to bed; Ran to play.
So why now did he have nothing to say?

~ ~ ~

“Sweet potato or pumpkins? Cassarole
or pie? What do you think?” Inari gave
her helper a glance. Ran shrugged as they strolled
through the market, his gaze caught on a wave.
Pie, she decided and picked from the stand
a medium-sized pumpkin that Ran liked.
“What’s that?” Ran pointed to a knobby hand.
“Ginger, to flavor pies, I know you’ll like.”

“You not go ‘way.” Ran’s smile shook and tears welled.
His mom had left him and Sarn. Both stayed
with her family, but that loss hadn’t quelled.
“No my darling, it’s you who’s going to stay.”
“And help?” Ran ventured, wiping tears on sleeves.
“For help, I give thanks.” His smile, she believes.

~ ~ ~

Part of a series of Thanksgiving posts starring Sarn, his brother Miren, his son Ran and some of the Rangers he works with. You don’t have to read them all but if you would like to, you can see them in order on my Holiday page.

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Read more about Sarn in the Curse Breaker Saga. Like vignette-style poems? I’ve got lots on my Tales of Shayari page or my Poetic Fantasy page.

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What are you #thankful for?


Submitting this for the Daily Post’s prompt: Pour Some Sugar on Me because I love pie. It should be it’s own food group.

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