Tell No Tales

Tell No Tales (picks up where Santa’s Flight ends) The sleigh parked before that terrible wall of color chased light, a screen of dancing images, each scene a brick in the wall. “My part in this tale ends here; seek the King across yonder wall,” Santa held a hand age-spotted out as his pow’r ebbed away. “Christmas eve is ended,” he waved his hand at dawn rising behind, turning all gray. “The night departs, so must I ’till next year. Your path continues through there if you’ve heart to try, redeeming grace will see you clear.” Sarn looked at that great wall–where to e’en start? His … Continue reading Tell No Tales

Santa’s Flight

Santa’s Flight (picks up where Santa’s Mission left off) Sarn pulled on his cloak and boots, clad his son in warm gear, and with much trepidation, took the hand and adventure offered–one. thing he’d learned about Christmas–action was required that might just test his mettle. “I’ve trouble controlling it–the magic.” “Not tonight you won’t,” Santa smiled, “settle in and we’ll be off; don’t fret ’bout magic. Tonight it’s in the air and everywhere.” Indeed the air did shimmer and sparkle as if diamond dust floated in the air. It started slow, the drain, just a trickle at first as the reindeer jogged skyward, more as his link to … Continue reading Santa’s Flight

Grandma Hitches a Ride with Santa

Grandma Hitches a Ride with Santa (Follows Berry Wight, picks up with Sarn’s grandmother, Leesha) ‘Twas the night before Christmas when she stirred, a blind woman from her treetop abode. Through the wooded vale she trudged, her thoughts whirred, circled about regret ’cause she’s not bold. No time left now that death’s velvet hand touches hers, its cold presence walks beside, offers no aid when her rag-wrapped foot, the root clutches. Leaning on her staff, her magic buffers, keeps her from harm, with its small witchery. Rising, she feels about, finds the path and the way, to a grandson she’s spied through trickery. Her … Continue reading Grandma Hitches a Ride with Santa

A Fool for Christmas

A Fool for Christmas (Picks up where Light the Tree left off) Nolo prayed, “O Lord, listen to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds…” More he said, things ’bout visits and affairs of grace, the rest washed o’er Sarn and couldn’t find a home, so its meaning got lost somewhere between man, prayer and ignorant darkness. Nolo’s wife added a brilliant rose stone to the advent wreath, but e’en that brightness couldn’t enlighten a darkness all his own. So Sarn stood there, as he’d done two Sundays prior, wondering what wreath, tree and waiting time betokened, what would Christmas day require? Some understanding would surely come, … Continue reading A Fool for Christmas