Soul Walking: Stomp Prompt Sonnet # 1


Soul Walking

A woman walks in slow time savoring
the images the music paints upon
her soul. On the band plays never knowing
the joy they bring one young woman’s soul. Drawn
to roam the graveyard, barefoot for all time,
she keeps the rhythm of her steps in line
with the sweet music that makes her soul chime.
The lead sings on for their patrons that dine.
But don’t see, souls weaving to and fro, ’round
the graves. A soul singing but never
heard. Her voice lost by death and never found.
Her dance unseen, felt as cold ever
drifting ‘cross the street to the strand, to kiss
the band whose playing gave her two hours’ bliss.

in response to this week’s prompt stomp: soul this is sonnet number one of a crown of sonnets I am doing for it.

23 thoughts on “Soul Walking: Stomp Prompt Sonnet # 1

    1. Thank you! it’s actually part of a series–a crown of sonnets–here’s the link to where you can read them all in sequence if you have time/interest:

      They’re based off a book set in my fantasy realm. I’m actually the opposite. I fell into writing poetry (sonnets) when I started blogging. Before that I wrote high fantasy books. now my prose includes poetry! It’s addictive! 😀 I am glad to “meet” and make your poetic acquaintance 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ve been surfing your blog. Quite impressive. I like how easy it is to navigate into different categories.
      Of course am drawn to the poetry 😊
      I look forward to reading more and your sonnets are wonderful.
      The pleasure and honor is mine 🙏 to meet you Melinda


      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love it!! It reminds me to visit the local graveyard under a moonlit sky and watch the dance continue…Prompt Stomp is new to me. I might give it a go. I don’t understand all the language like “pingback” so I’m a bit reticent…any suggestions?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. There are 5 more sonnets in the series continuing her story. I hope you check them out when you have time. I collected the whole series into one post so you don’t have to go looking for the rest. They are here if you’re interested:
      A pingback is just a link you incorporate into your blog post. When you publish your post, it “pingsback” to the post you linked to in your post so the other person knows you linked to their post. I hope that makes sense. 🙂


    1. I spent years developing the after life concept for the epic fantasy saga I write. This crown of sonnets is based off that. I have half a book that takes place exclusively in the afterlife which I need to finish after I write the story that precedes…I write my saga out of order…


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