Dancing in the Sun

Dancing in the Sun

She’s dancing in the sun and in its light,
reveling in the setting day, laying
to rest all our woes as night creeps into sight.
Its purple, spangled allure is rolling
on in and swallowing the east.
In its folds she hooks her fingers and pulls,
blanketing Shayari in sleep’s release.
While in the west, she dances, a joyful
spark on the horizon, moving daylight
west and allowing those behind to rest.
She dances ’round the globe raising dawn’s light
and pushing out night ‘fore it can oppress.
She’s dancing with the sun, whose rays caress,
the land at her direction, and all’s blessed.

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Like vignette-style poems? I’ve got lots more on my Tales of Shayari page.

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Inspired by Photo-Fiction #15 and the Daily Post’s prompt: Climate Control

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