The Match

(c) in medias res by Melinda Kucsera

The Match

Cyprus’ ringside seats enabled him
to watch the match. Who’d leave in a coffin?
The acrobat tumbled, his strength let him
toss the mawkish gawker out on his fin.
Through the hawker’s hand lapis lazuli
beads slid, clicking, blocking Cyprus’ view.
The stench of brimstone warned he’d better lie
low ‘fore the serum wore off. Sweat bedew
his forehead, his arm pits, deodorant’s
failure, its obsolescence in process.
Then his human skin molted and the chant
began quickening the change in the press.
A demon spilled forth ending the death match.
Everyone left without coffin or scratch.

~ ~ ~

Like vignette-style sonnets? Want to read more? Visit the following pages for more: Tales of ShayariPoetic FantasyPoetic Science FictionPoetic HolidaysPoetic Inspiration & DevotionPoetic Miscellany.

prompt courtesy of Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie #86 Wordle and Daily Post photo challenge: Trio

7 thoughts on “The Match

  1. How gorgeous, is this? The smells.. the sights.. you can almost touch them. AND the kicker is that you’ve written the prompt as a sonnet. For me, sonnets are one of the harder forms I’ve attempted. Congratulations!!


  2. First let me give you a hearty and appreciative welcome!

    Vivid and intense description, I felt like an audience member! The transforming of humans into demons has always been interesting to me (in the fictional sense mind you haha)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the welcome and the comment. The demon transform thing just popped to mind–actually an image of a guy having control issues at a match did when I read the wordle words. I got a nice clear snapshot and since I write only fantasy or very fictional science fiction, my mind ran with it. Thank you for that!

      Liked by 1 person

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