Curse Breaker | Discovery

Curse Breaker | Discovery Passing between two trees, whose boles each had to be over a hundred feet in diameter, he froze. Bodies lay in a small clearing—or what was left of them. The stench hit Sarn full in the face as the wind, which had picked up over the last mile of his hike, shifted. He gagged, doubled over and retched. Sarn started as a hand landed on his shoulder. “You okay, Kid?” “I’m not a kid.” Sarn shot back as he forced the bile back down. “I’m twenty—” “I know,” Nolo gave Sarn’s shoulder a squeeze and then let … Continue reading Curse Breaker | Discovery

Curse Breaker | Kidnapped

Curse Breaker | Kidnapped More shouts interrupted by tearing, scraping and the grating of sandpaper as something not human dragged Sarn into the forest. He ran his fingers along the grooves of the thing manacling his arm as he tried to figure out what had seized him. His fingers encountered tree bark and that made no sense. Why would a tree abduct him? It had never done that before. Why would it need to start now? What the hell was going on?   “Let go of me!” Sarn hammered the heel of his hand against whatever part of the tree that … Continue reading Curse Breaker | Kidnapped

Curse Breaker | Commanded

Curse Breaker | Commanded “We don’t know if that Kid is a mage,” Jerlo corrected as he appeared between his two officers. At five foot nothing, the force of Jerlo’s personality took up more space than he did. Right now his formidable glare focused on a man sixteen inches taller than himself. Gregori could bench press one Jerlo in each hand. So whenever the commander scolded Gregori, everyone dropped everything and watched. “Oh yeah? Then why do his eyes glow all the damned time? That’s a sign of active magic and you know it. Hell it’s even mentioned in the Litany.” … Continue reading Curse Breaker | Commanded

Curse Breaker | Tell me

Tell me | Curse Breaker Part 8 of Curse Breaker: Enchanted, vol 1 (if you missed a part, you can find it here, on its Table of Contents. picks up where Master left off.) One word stood out from the stones’ din. That word slipped and slid in his mind evading his understanding. It didn’t want to be understood. Twenty feet on the stones in Nolo’s bracelet fell silent. The word escaped in the sudden quiet leaving behind a symbolic after-image–a circle with flanges shoring it up. What did it mean? Great, something to figure out later. A tug on his arm yanked … Continue reading Curse Breaker | Tell me

Interrogation | Curse Breaker

Interrogation | Curse Breaker “Who did this to you?” Gregori demanded with more menace. Sarn pushed to his feet, arms crossing under his cloak intent on pacing. Gregori gave him space but begrudged him every inch of it. What to say? Tell Gregori that a bunch of idiots had jumped him? As if that would help his situation any. Explain that the tight confines of the tunnel had left no room to maneuver? Why bother when anything he said would sound like an excuse. No one ever believed him. Sarn regarded his fists that bore not a single scratch because … Continue reading Interrogation | Curse Breaker

Blindly Seeking | Curse Breaker

Curse Breaker | Blindly Seeking One day Sarn would discover what had happened to the Litherians. The answer lay hidden in the depths of their last public work–Mount Eredren. He’d find it even if he had to delve down into the very roots of it. But not tonight. No tonight he had to earn his bread, his bed and his brother’s education. The passage ended right where Sarn’s mental map said it would. He strode into a wider passage bisected by an arcade. Sunlight reached out and touched a warm finger to the tip of his nose and tempted him to … Continue reading Blindly Seeking | Curse Breaker

Indentured | Curse Breaker

Indentured–one word with three syllables, in its meaning is found a lifetime’s worth of complexity, incalculable problems that his signature, an X, birthed. Yet fly to work he does for his master’s waiting and Sarn’s running, chasing the bells that chime the hours; yes run slave, run faster! Mount Erendren’s bells wait for none to knell, tell that day has ended for some, not you. Night’s rising, moon’s winging o’er Shayari and the Enchanted forest’s restless too. Quick, smart trees, all a-glow, need you to see what their daytime sport, that tends to distort, did to folks, who came ‘neath trees to disport. … Continue reading Indentured | Curse Breaker

Little Christmas

Little Christmas (Picks up where The Holy and the Lowly left off) Ran awoke to familiar surroundings but his stuffed companion had gotten lost. Searching the room he shared with his sleeping Papa turned up no button eyed bear tossed aside when had adventure spirited Ran and his Papa to follow a star. Inari slept ‘neath a shawl she’d knitted She stirred at his approach, smiled like a star. “Where’s bear?” he asked anxious to find his friend and tell his Christmas tale to those stuffed ears. “Maybe in here, let’s look,” she extended a box, bow-topped, wrapped in star’s shine and tears. Ran opened … Continue reading Little Christmas

The Holy and Lowly

The Holy and the Lowly (Picks up where Sons and Holy Ones left off) After their talk, Sarn had a better grasp of things; Ran was safe inside the stable. So he walked and wondered until a rasp drew his eye to the Savior’s slim, sable bearded step-father; out of wedlock’s born a Holy Infant, a bastard like Sarn’s son and Sarn himself and that made Sarn less torn up about his family and his son. The Holy Family was as broken as his own but united by love’s bonds. That was what mattered; all else were tokens of public goodwill without love to bond. … Continue reading The Holy and Lowly